Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nursery Beginings

With the baby's arrival about 3 months away, we figured now is a good time to get started on the nursery.  We still have quite a ways to go but we made a big step this weekend by purchasing the sheets and some cute little toys for his room.
I have to admit I've been pretty picky with the bedding so far, but when I saw these sheets on pinterest I knew they were exactly what I was looking for.  The only downside was that they were only made for a normal size bed, luckily my mother-in-law is a great at sewing and lucky us, has agreed to turn them into crib size sheets for our little guy.  The sheets are set to arrive later this week, I cant wait to see them in person and have her get started on them.

This past weekend, while out looking for a gift for a friends 1 year old I came upon the below airplanes and I just could not resist getting these.  They were so adorable and I thought they would make a great addition to the airplane theme we have going on.  Its still a little too early to decide exactly where they will be placed but it just makes me more excited to get started on everything.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby Love - Week 27

How Far Along: 27 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is about 15 inches long and weighs a little over 2lbs
Total Weight Gain:  18lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still making normal clothes work, although I am really looking forward to some warm weather and wearing dresses
Gender: Its a Boy!
Movement: Moving and kicking all the time
Sleep: I highly doubt I will be sleeping through the night before he arrives, it seems impossible lately to sleep for any length of time.
Food Cravings: Nothing major this week
What I Miss: I still miss feeling comfortable, fitting into normal clothes and not having aches and pains everyday.  I do have to say that feeling him move around makes it all worth it.
Symptoms: Backaches, backaches and more backaches.....
Best Moment This Week: It was a fun baby weekend.  We made our first trip to Babies R Us and began the process of registering.  We will for sure be heading back in the next week to complete it.  Its really amazing how many different options there are for each item.  I also ordered the sheets for his crib and bought a little extra something for his room, which I plan on posting a picture of sometime soon.
What I Am Looking Forward To: My mom is visiting!  I'm super excited to do some baby shopping with her.  Also, I am really happy to be entering the 3rd trimester next week!  I cant believe his due date is exactly 3 months from today......

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baby Love - Week 26

How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is a little bigger than 9 inches and weighs 2lbs
Total Weight Gain:  18lbs
Maternity Clothes: I'm not fully committing to maternity clothes just yet.  I'm still able to squeeze into my normal clothes (evidence above)
Gender: Its a Boy!
Movement: I'm loving all the  moving and kicking he has been doing lately
Sleep: I must be preparing for when the baby gets here b/c i cant remember the last time I slept through the night
Food Cravings: I think I ate almost the whole raspberry strudel I made this week
What I Miss: Being comfortable
Symptoms: Back aches all the time, its really killing me.....
Best Moment This Week: Spending Saturday with Laurie, Mike and little Lily, it was so great to see them
What I Am Looking Forward To: Our next birth class this week.  I'm really enjoying them.  Also, trying to get myself to go to Babies R Us and register or at least make some progress with the nursery....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baby Love - Week 25

How Far Along: 25 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is about 9 inches long and weighs a little more than 1 1/2lbs
Total Weight Gain:  18lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still able to use the belly band, yay!
Gender: Its a Boy!
Movement: Moving and kicking daily
Sleep: I'm thinking of getting a maternity pillow to help me sleep better
Food Cravings: Still no major cravings, just enjoying the spicy foods
What I Miss: Not waddling when I walk
Symptoms: Aches, pains and swelling
Best Moment This Week: Hearing his heartbeat, as always
What I Am Looking Forward To: We are starting out first of 12 natural birth class this week.  Both of us are really excited about this.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Love - Week 24

How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is about 8 1/2 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2lbs
Total Weight Gain:  12lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still making due with my normal clothes and the assistance of the belly band
Gender: Its a Boy!
Movement: Moving and kicking daily
Sleep: It could be better....
Food Cravings: Still no major cravings
What I Miss: Why is there no Dunkin Donuts in California....
Symptoms: My feet have been a bit achy, along with my legs
Best Moment This Week: Being back with my doggie!  
What I Am Looking Forward To: A doctors appointment later this week, can't wait!